Auto Shop Management Training, Tools & Services
The top 25% most profitable repair shops annual sales average $1,027,334 vs. average shop annual sales of $880,121. With $147,213 more sales. The top 25% earn $99,142 more net profit than average shops. More than 20,000 people have attended Vin's classes & presentations. Vin knows what high profit firms do differently and how they do it.
Attend a Vin Waterhouse class and see what others do; share ideas and implement best business practices. click the Course Overviews tab to see a description of classes offered. Ask NAPA about their $440 scholarship. You don't have to be a NAPA customer to attend. All classes have a "Money Back Guarantee". Call or Text: 617.901.0243

Vin Waterhouse
Author of "The Labor Factory"
The Most PROFITABLE Auto Repair Shops...
- SALES were $147,213 higher than average shops and earn $99,142 more net profit.
- Generate $14,991 more ANNUAL GROSS PROFIT per employee
- PARTS GROSS PROFIT is 3.6% higher than that of average shops
- LABOR GROSS PROFIT is 2.6% higher than that of average shops
- Sell $40.31 more sales per repair order higher labor and parts GP
- Generate and sell $1,168 more monthly labor sales per technician
- TOTAL GROSS PROFIT is 3.4% higher than average shops
- OPERATING EXPENSES are 5.7% less as a percent to total sales
- Their LABOR RATE is $1.35 LOWER than avg shops
- Their shops are 7% MORE EFFICIENT and out-perform average shops in several additional categories
Click Here to learn the how and why!

Podcast #1 - You Should Have the Highest Payroll in Town, Not the Lowest!
Podcast #2- Intensive Labor Rates & Financial Benchmarks