Auto Repair Shop Statistics
Did you know?
Top 25% earn $99,134 more profit with only $147,213 higher sales !!!!
- Net Profit is 3.6 times the average shop's net profit
- Labor rate is $1.35 LOWER then the average of all reporting shops
- Shops annual sales were $147,213 HIGHER then average shops
- Parts Gross Profit is 3.6% HIGHER than the average shops.
- Labor Gross Profit is 2.6% higher then the average shops.
- Expenses are 5.7 % LOWER to sales then average shops
- Produce $15,125 more monthly gross profit per employee then average shops.
Average of Top 25% annual Net Profit Is $136,635. Vin knows what high profit shop owners do, how they do it and will pass along proven strategies that can create more profit for your shop! High profit shops exist in the same towns as average shops and deal with the same issues as average shops, yet high profit firms net profit is 3.6 times higher!!!
- Start or Join a Vin Waterhouse "PROFIT-MAKERS" GROUP
- Bi-Monthly online 1 hour meetings with Vin Waterhouse
- Group Discussion, implementation of ideas and sharing results is big
- Monthly results to targets and achievements of the top 25% shops
- $199.00 per month with NO CONTRACT,!
Think of it as a taking a "Vin Waterhouse Management Seminar for Life"
CALL, EMAIL OR TEXT "Vin" Waterhouse cell 617-901-0243 You will never look at your business the same way again!
