Podcast & News

Podcast #1 - You Should Have the Highest Payroll in Town, Not the Lowest!
Podcast #2- Intensive Labor Rates & Financial Benchmarks
2020 NAPA Labor Factory Outlook Article: Click here to read >
Vin Waterhouse wrote this article for the Auto Parts Report in 1989. THE CHANGES ARE INTERESTING."Click Here" "From The Trenches" written by Vin Waterhouse
The top 25% most profitable shops earn $95,795 more net profit than average repair shops yet only $63,604 MORE SALES???
I HAVE BEEN TO VIN'S CLASS BEFORE: Professional athletes, i.e.; baseball, football etc. practice over and over the same fundamentals they learned as a child. They don't say "I don't need the practice" .Management skills are honed the same way; repetition,repetition, repetition. Besides, the market changes all the time and my class changes to adapt to current situations.
I DON'T HAVE TIME TO ATTEND: Really? The internet has changed the business forever and changes occur at a geometrical pace. Look how cell phones have changed in just the past three years. you can't not change and expect to stay current and grow your business.. It's at classes like this where you learn from your colleagues as well as the instructor.
THE TIMING IS POOR; I CAN'T GET AWAY RIGHT NOW: There are times when this is true for sure. BUT. it will never be convenient. Bite the bullet and go now. You won't regret it and it will have an immediate impact on your business.
"SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO WHAT THEY DON'T WANT TO DO WHEN THEY DON'T WANT TO DO IT" Please come to my class. My classes have helped thousands of owners like you improve their bottom line and I know it will do the same for you! My work is a passion and I promise you will never look at your business the same way again. It's real world changes!
Vin Waterhouse
Filling in the repair shop numbers
Going over your books and lining up with the top-performing shops can better your business.
By: Tschanen Brandyberry
Saturday, April 25, 2015 - 07:00
Step by step, number by number, Vin Waterhouse covered a lot of ground in his presentation “Financial Management for the Auto Repair Business” at Automechanika Chicago.
Waterhouse, a nationally recognized management consultant who works often with NAPA AutoCare Centers, led a pair of his popular presentations with the Automechanika Chicago attendees. Waterhouse provided a number of key benchmarks for shop owners and managers to take back to their shops and employ.
“If your sales are this, here’s what you should spend on wages, etc.,” he explains.
For example, Waterhouse says the top 25 percent of most profitable shops in the U.S. have a net profit that is 12.7 times higher than other shops with more than $26,000 less in sales. He let the attendees in on how those numbers can be accomplished by just reworking processes and approaches in the shop. Attendees filled in sheets with their own numbers versus targets and numbers of those top shops.
Tips he shared to then better those numbers included seemingly simple ideas like making sure you educate customers on the importance of being reachable after they leave their vehicle with you, so your technicians don’t lose time working on the vehicle. It’s just one example of office efficiency Waterhouse highlighted in the presentation.
On the technicians’ side, he also shared ways to implements a workflow system he has created, which he reports lead to better turnaround and better customer satisfaction.
Attendees at the end left with a unique website Waterhouse provided for additional information on using the key benchmarks.
See more here